Franchise form

This form is part of the process of determining if you meet our SEXY COW® franchise standards. All information you send us in this form will be treated as a business secret. This form is not a contract and is not binding on either party.


Are you interested in buying a franchise license? Every year many companies take this step for many reasons, franchise partnership offers many advantages over other business models. By purchasing a proven franchise system, you take on much less business risk than starting a new start-up business. Take advantage of the experience and mistakes someone else has made so you don't have to.

As part of the next step in purchasing a SEXY COW® franchise, please answer the following questions from the brand owner. Please answer honestly and factually. After receiving your answers, we will inform you about the next steps.

Thank you,

SEXY COW® franchise team
Financial Status

In this step, it is important that we know how much capital you plan to invest in this project. The final amount you will invest will be defined in the following steps.